IELRC.ORG - Articles et chapitres



Articles et chapitres


A Unique Identity Bill

auteur(s): Usha Ramanathan
source: 45/30 Economic and Political Weekly (2010), p. 10.
date: 2010
résumé size 272 [KB]

Bhopal: As the Law Develops

auteur(s): Usha Ramanathan
source: 45/34 Economic and Political Weekly 82 (2010)
date: 2010
résumé size 519 [KB]

On Eminent Domain and Sovereignty

auteur(s): Usha Ramanathan
source: 613 Seminar (September 2010), p. 71.
date: 2010
résumé size 41 [KB]

Water Sector Reforms and Courts in India - Lessons from the Evolving Case Law

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: 19/3 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (2010), p. 328-38
date: 2010
résumé size 233 [KB]

Environment and Development - The Missing Link

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: in Julio Faundez & Celine Tan eds, International Law, Economic Globalization and Developing Countries (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010), p. 354-78.
date: 2010
résumé size 272 [KB]

Groundwater: Legal Aspects of the Plachimada Dispute

auteur(s): Sujith Koonan
source: in P. Cullet et al. eds., Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws (New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2010) p. 159-98.
date: 2010
résumé size 227 [KB]

Securing Property Rights in Land in Kenya: Formal Versus Informal

auteur(s): Joseph Kieyah & Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: in Christopher Adam et. al. eds, Kenya Policies for Prosperity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 309-328.
date: 2010
résumé size 1471 [KB]

Drinking Water Reforms

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: in Philippe Cullet et al. eds, Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010), p. 160-81.
date: 2010
résumé size 6400 [KB]
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