IELRC.ORG - Articles et chapitres



Articles et chapitres


Land Acquisition, Eminent Domain and the 2011 Bill

auteur(s): Usha Ramanathan
source: 46/44-45 Economic and Political Weekly (2011), p. 10-14.
date: 2011
résumé size 1247 [KB]

Kenya: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri Mbote & Migai Akech
source: Johannesburg: Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa
date: 2011
résumé size 1994 [KB]

Cultural Legitimacy and Regulatory Transitions for Climate Change - A Discursive Framework

auteur(s): Thoko Kaime
source: Carbon and Climate Law Review (3/2011), p. 321-28.
date: 2011
résumé size 165 [KB]

Evolving Regulatory Framework for Rural Drinking Water - Need for Further Reforms

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: in Infrastructure Development Finance Company ed., India Infrastructure Report 2011 - Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 151-61.
date: 2011
résumé size 566 [KB]

Constitutionality of the Plachimada Tribunal Bill, 2011: An Assessment

auteur(s): Sujith Koonan
source: 7/2 Law, Environment and Development Journal (2011), p. 151-63.
date: 2011
résumé size 279 [KB]

Governance on Adaptation to Climate Change in the ASEAN Region

auteur(s): Koh Kheng Lian & Lovleen Bhullar
source: 1 Carbon and Climate Law Review (2011), p. 82-90.
date: 2011
résumé size 104 [KB]

The Kyoto Protocol and vulnerability: human rights and equity dimensions

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: in Stephen Humphreys ed., Human Rights and Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 183-206.
date: 2010
résumé size 81 [KB]

Forest Carbon Offsets and International Law: A Deep Equity Legal Analysis

auteur(s): David Takacs
source: 22 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 521 (2010)
date: 2010
résumé size 202 [KB]
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