Dear Colleague(s),

This periodic update seeks to provide you with the latest information on IELRC’s research output and activities.


Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Workshop on Right to Sanitation - Lessons from India


Conferences and Seminars


Planning Commission of India


New Publications






Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Publication of the first issue of 2011.

Please follow this link for the full table of contents.

Articles are invited for the next issue of LEAD journal. Information concerning article submissions can be found at Please send your contributions to


Workshop on Right to Sanitation - Lessons from India


The International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) with the support of the Law Environment and Development Centre, School of Oriental and African Studies – University of

London (SOAS) organized a workshop on the Right to Sanitation - Lessons from India in Geneva on 27–28 January 2011. Details of the workshop can be accessed here.

Conferences and Seminars


During the past six months IELRC actively participated in various conferences and seminars and

presented papers on various issues related to water law.

Paper Delivered
  • ‘Groundwater Regulation: Rethinking the Model’, at the Seminar on Strategies for Groundwater Management, organized by ACWADAM, Pune on 22-23 May 2011.

  • Right to Water – From Judicial Pronouncement to Implementation’, at the Workshop on ‘Exploring Possibilities of Research on Water Justice in South Asia’; organised by Soppecom and Wageningen University, Pune on 18-21 April 2011.

  • Keynote presentation on ‘Shared Natural Resources – Opportunities and Challenges’, at the 40th Annual Conference of Indian Society of International Law (ISIL), New Delhi on 17 April 2011.

  • ‘Law and Policy Changes Related to Water Supply and Sanitation’ at the Workshop

    on Water Supply and Sanitation Law and Policy Reforms in Karnataka, organized by  National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore on 3-4 January 2011.

  • ‘Reframing the Debate: Environmental Governance and Global Administrative Law’ at the Workshop Governing by “CoP”: A Critical Assessment of Old Wine in New Bottles, organized by Queen Mary, University of London 25th March 2011.

  •  ‘Is Water Policy The New Water Law? - Reflections on India’s Experience’ at the Workshop ‘Some for All? Pathways and Politics in Water and Sanitation since New Delhi, 1990’ organized by Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex on 22-23 March 2011.

  • Consultative Group on an Alternative National Water Policy, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi on 9 March 2011.   

  • Roundtable on Water, Climate Change and Conflict in South Asia, An initiative by TERI’s regional knowledge hub for water and Climate Change adaptations in South Asia, in New Delhi on 14 April 2011.  

  • National Consultation on Water Regulatory Authorities in India:

    Rethinking the Current Models, IIT-Bombay on 30 April 2011.  

  • Third Annual Meeting of the International Socio-economic Rights Project’s Justiciability Workshop, Faculty of Law – University of Pretoria, South Africa from 2-5 June 2011.

  • Steering Committee Meeting, Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India in Kochi on 20 June 2011.



Planning Commission of India


The Planning Commission of India has constituted several working groups on water to contribute to the development of the twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017).

Prof. Philippe Cullet is:

  • member of the Working Group on Water Governance;

  • convenor of the Sub-group on Legal Issues related to Ground Water Management and Regulation including the Strengthening of the Ground Water Regulatory Authorities at the Centre and States;

  • member of the Sub-group on National Water Framework Law.



New Publications


H.G. Brauch, U.O. Spring, C. Mesjasz, J. Grin, P. Kameri-Mbote, B. Chourou,

P. Dunay & J. Birkmann, Coping With Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks (Springer, 2011).


Philippe Cullet, ‘Realisation of The Fundamental Right to Water in Rural Areas – Implications of the Evolving Policy Framework for Drinking Water’, 46/12 Economic and Political Weekly (19 March, 2011) p. 56-62.

Philippe Cullet, ‘Water Sector Reforms and Courts in India – Lessons from the Evolving Case Law’, 19/3 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (2010), p. 328-38.

International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
International Environment House II, 1st Floor
7 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 797 26 23
+41 (0)22 797 26 23