Dear Colleague(s),

This periodic update seeks to provide you with the latest information on IELRC's research output and activities.


Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


New Publications




Indi-Swiss Water Law Project


The International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) and the School of Oriental and African Studies – University of London (SOAS) organised a conference on Water Law Reforms and the Right to Water:  Lessons from India in Geneva on 23–24 January 2009. [ Click here for more information about this conference ]

The Water Law Research Partnership successfully ended at the end of February 2009. The main outcomes of this projet will be three books that will be published later this year:

•  P. Cullet, A. Gowlland-Gualtieri, R. Madhav & U. Ramanathan eds, Water

Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India (Abingdon: Routledge, forthcoming 2009). [ Routledge page ]

•  P. Cullet, Water Law, Poverty and Development – Water Law Reforms in India ( Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009). [ OUP page ]

•  P. Cullet, A. Gowlland-Gualtieri, R. Madhav & U. Ramanathan eds, Water Law at the Crossroads – National and International Perspectives With Special Emphasis on India (New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2009).



Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Publication of the first issue of 2009. Please follow this link for the full table of contents.

Articles are invited for the next issue of LEAD journal. Information

concerning article submissions can be found at Please send your contributions to



New Publications


Book Chapters


Usha Ramanathan, ‘A Word on Eminent Domain', in Lyla Mehta ed., Displaced by Development – Confronting Marginalisation and Gender Injustice ( New Delhi : Sage, 2009), p. 133.


Philippe Cullet (with Joyeeta Gupta), ‘Evolution of Water Law and Policy in India', in Joseph W. Dellapenna & Joyeeta Gupta eds, The Evolution of the Law and Politics of Water (Dordrecht : Springer Academic Publishers, 2009), p. 159.


David Takacs, ‘The Public Trust Doctrine, Environmental Human Rights, And The Future Of Private Property' 16 New York University Environmental Law Journal (2008), p.711.



International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
International Environment House II, 1st Floor
7 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 797 26 23
+41 (0)22 797 26 23