Dear subscribers,

This periodic update seeks to provide you with the latest information on IELRC’s research output and activities.


Geneva Water Law Workshop


Environmental Law Research Position (New Delhi)


Intellectual Property and EU-ACP Agreements


New Publications

  As always, we welcome any feedback you may have at

In the meantime, we wish you a good reading and we thank you for your interest and support.

The Editor




Law Environment and Development Journal (LEAD Journal)


Publication of the first issue of 2007. Please follow this link for the full table of contents . The next issue of LEAD

Journal will be a special issue on water.



Geneva Water Law Workshop


All the papers presented at the April workshop in Geneva are now available online [ read more ]. The

Workshop Report is available on this link .



Environmental Law Research Position (New Delhi)


IELRC is recruiting one full-time Environmental Law Researcher based in New Delhi to work primarily on a research project entitled ‘Legal Issues Related to Water Sector Restructuring: Human Rights,

Environment, Agriculture and Socio-Economic Aspects'. Other ongoing research areas of work include biosafety and liability and climate change. [ read more ]



Intellectual Property and EU-ACP Agreements


Dr Cullet invited to talk to ACP negotiators at a Capacity Building Meeting organised by the ACP Secretariat on Intellectual Property

and Economic Partnership Agreements, Brussels , 14-15 May 2007. [ read more ]

  New Publications



N. Chalifour, P. Kameri-Mbote, L.H. Lye, J.R. Nolon eds, Land Use Law for Sustainable Development

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).


Philippe Cullet, ‘Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection in the

TRIPS Era' , 29/2 Human Rights Quarterly (2007), p. 403-30.

Philippe Cullet, ‘Liability and Redress for Human-Induced Global Warming' ,

43A Stanford Journal of International Law (2007), p. 99 .

International Environmental Law Research Centre
International Environment House II, 1F
7 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 797 26 23
+41 (0)22 797 26 23