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अकादमिक प्रकाशन


Trouble in Eden: How and Why Unresolved Land Issues Landed 'Peace-full Kenya' in Trouble in 2008

लेखक-गण: Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Kithure Kindiki
स्रोत: 35 Forum for Development Studies (2008), p. 167-93
दिनांक: 2008
सारांश साइज 1682 [KB]

Separating The Baby From the Bath Water: Women's Rights and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Kenya

लेखक-गण: Patricia Kameri-Mbote & N. Kabira
स्रोत: 14/1 East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights (2008), p. 1-43.
दिनांक: 2008
सारांश साइज 2541 [KB]

The Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006: A Critical Appraisal

लेखक-गण: Lovleen Bhullar
स्रोत: 4/1 Journal of Law, Environment and Development (2008), p. 20-34.
दिनांक: 2008
सारांश साइज 300 [KB]

Liability and Redress for Human-Induced Global Warming - Towards an International Regime

लेखक-गण: Philippe Cullet
स्रोत: 43A Stanford Journal of International Law (2007), p. 99-121.
दिनांक: 2007
सारांश साइज 122 [KB]

Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection in the TRIPS Era

लेखक-गण: Philippe Cullet
स्रोत: 29/2 Human Rights Quarterly (2007), p. 403-30
दिनांक: 2007
सारांश साइज 171 [KB]

Liability and Redress for Modern Biotechnology

लेखक-गण: Philippe Cullet
स्रोत: 15 Yearbook of International Environmental Law (2006), p. 165
दिनांक: 2006
सारांश साइज 205 [KB]

Following God's Constitution: The Gender Dimension in the Ogiek Claim to Mau Forest Complex

लेखक-गण: Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Jacinta Anyango Oduor
स्रोत: in Anne Hellum et. al, Paths are Made by Walking: Human Rights Interfacing Gendered Realities and Plural Legalities (Harare: Weaver Press, 2006).
दिनांक: 2006
सारांश साइज 99 [KB]

Water Law Reforms - Analysis of Recent Developments

लेखक-गण: Philippe Cullet
स्रोत: 48/2 Journal of the Indian Law Institute (2006), p. 206-231
दिनांक: 2006
सारांश साइज 77 [KB]
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