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Articles et chapitres


Responsabilite et biotechnologie

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: Mark Hunyadi ed., Les usages de la precaution (Geneve: Droz, 2004)
date: 2004
résumé size 91 [KB]

Community, Farmers' and Breeders' Rights in Africa: Towards a Legal Framework for Sui Generis Legislation

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: University of Nairobi Law Journal (2003), p. 120
date: 2003
résumé size 419 [KB]

Patents and Medicines: The Relationship Between TRIPS and the Human Right to Health

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: 79 International Affairs (2003), p.139
date: 2003
résumé size 100 [KB]

Plant Variety Protection and Farmers' Rights - Towards a Broader Understanding

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet, Radika Kolluru
source: 24 Delhi Law Review 2002 (2003), p.41
date: 2003
résumé size 334 [KB]

Gender Considerations in Constitution-Making: Engendering Women's Rights in the Legal Process

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: University of Nairobi Law Journal (2003), p. 156
date: 2003
résumé size 156 [KB]

The Desertification Convention

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: UNESCO, Knowledge for Sustainable Development (Oxford: EOLSS Publishers, 2002)
date: 2002
résumé size 186 [KB]

Gender Dimension of Law, Colonialism and Inheritance in East Africa: Kenyan Women's Experiences

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: 35/3 Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee (2002), p. 373
date: 2002
résumé size 384 [KB]

The Development of Biosafety Regulation in Africa in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol - Legal and Administrative Issues

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: 11/1 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (2002), p. 62
date: 2002
résumé size 148 [KB]
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