IELRC.ORG - Articles et chapitres



Articles et chapitres


The Right to Water : An Overview of the Indian Legal Regime

auteur(s): S. Muralidhar
source: in Eibe Reidel & Peter Rothen eds., The Human Right to Water (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006), p. 65-81
date: 2006
résumé size 69 [KB]

Women, Land Rights and the Environment: The Kenyan Experience

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: 49(3) Development (2006), p. 43-48.
date: 2006
résumé size 109 [KB]

Environment For Development - The Human Dimension

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote with K. Kulindwa, J. Mohamed-Katerere & M. Chenje
source: United Nations Environment Programme, Africa Environment Outlook 2 (Nairobi: UNEP), p. 1
date: 2006
résumé size 1539 [KB]

Agricultural Genetic Engineering, International Law and Development

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet
source: 46/3 Indian Journal of International Law 388 (2006)
date: 2006
résumé size 83 [KB]

Illegality and the Urban Poor

auteur(s): Usha Ramanathan
source: 41 Economic and Political Weekly (22 July 2006), p. 3193.
date: 2006
résumé size 54 [KB]

The Current Law of Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge

auteur(s): Susette Biber-Klemm, Thomas Cottier, Philippe Cullet & Danuta Szymura Berglas
source: in S. Biber-Klemm & T. Cottier eds, Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives (Wallingford: CABI, 2006) p. 56-111.
date: 2006
résumé size 297 [KB]

Intellectual Property Rights, Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet, Christophe Germann, Andrea Nascimento & Gloria Pasadilla
source: in S. Biber-Klemm & T. Cottier eds, Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives (Wallingford: CABI, 2006) p. 112-154.
date: 2006
résumé size 255 [KB]

Flanking Policies in National and International Law

auteur(s): Susette Biber-Klemm, Philippe Cullet, Christophe Germann, Andrea Nascimento & Jonathan Curci Staffler
source: in S. Biber-Klemm & T. Cottier eds, Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives (Wallingford: CABI, 2006) p. 239-279.
date: 2006
résumé size 244 [KB]
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