Dear Colleague(s),

This periodic update seeks to provide you with the latest information on IELRC’s research output and activities.


Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Policy Contributions


New Publications






Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Publication of the second issue of 2011.

Please follow this link for the full table of contents.

Articles are invited for the next issue of LEAD journal. Information concerning article submissions can be found at Please send your contributions to


Policy Contributions


Fifteenth Lok Sabha, Standing Committee on Finance (2011-12) Forty-Second Report, The National Identification Authority of India Bill,

2010. Dr. Usha Ramanathan was one of the expert witnesses deposing in front of the Standing Committee [read the committee report]



New Publications


P. Cullet & S. Koonan, Water Law in India - An Introduction to Legal Instruments (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011).

Paperback edition of  P. Cullet, A. Gowlland-Gualtieri, R. Madhav & U. Ramanathan eds., Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011).


Philippe Cullet, ‘Water Law In A Globalised World: The Need For A New Conceptual Framework’, 23/2 Journal of Environmental Law (2011), p 233-54.

Philippe Cullet, ‘Evolving Regulatory Framework for Rural Drinking Water – Need for Further Reforms’, in Infrastructure Development Finance Company ed., India Infrastructure Report 2011 – Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 151-61.


Thoko Kaime, ‘Cultural Legitimacy and Regulatory Transitions for Climate Change - A Discursive Framework’, Carbon and Climate Law Review (3/2011), p. 321-28.

 Patricia Kameri Mbote & Migai Akech, ‘Kenya: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law’, Johannesburg: Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (2011).

Usha Ramanathan, ‘Land Acquisition, Eminent Domain And the 2011 Bill’, 46/44-45 Economic and Political Weekly (2011), p. 10-14.

International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
International Environment House II, 1st Floor
7 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 797 26 23
+41 (0)22 797 26 23